C20 – C30

Oil Lubricated Compressors

C20 – C30

Compact Portable Compressor

CompAir C20 – C30

Volume Flow 2 to 3m3/h & Operating Pressurre 7 to 10 bar

This range offers the capability to run up to two breakers. The compressors are driven by quiet-running, energy efficient Kubota engines. With the benefit of a wide engine speed range, fuel savings are increased and the engine reliability and lifetime are enhanced. With an integrated generator, which can supply power for lights and electric tools, these compact portables compressors suit many applications. With an operating weight less than 500 kg (unbreaked) they can be towed by small vehicles.

Contact Information

For any other information, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the form below, or using the following address:

  • 8 Kasr EL Nile St. – Cairo Egypt
  • 48 El Thawra St. – Cairo Egypt
Tel: +202 25799775 – 11

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Division Air Compression
Partner Compair
Model C20 - C30
Product Portable Compressors